Crossing the border back into France, no one tail-gated, cut us off, or tried to share our lane. I had thought France had a reputation for bad driving – but Italy wins hands down!
A roadside B&B was located for €60 including breakfast and our cold cuts/Mediterranean supplies fed us for the evening. Both our heads were spinning with the big day on the bike.
We had planned to take back roads for safety and stay another night somewhere on the way home if we had to, but Noel woke up saying, 'I think we can get home today, the roads are so much better.'
So that is what we did. It was a huge day, we went from south to north France (and obviously back into Belgium). At one point we indulged in a twenty-minute kip on the grass at a service station. It was special to share the sheepskin under the sun with my best buddy.
At 6:30 pm we made it home to Ypres to find the boat sitting there quite happy awaiting our return. Smelling sweet and in good order, within fifteen minutes we were unpacked and sitting in our favourite comfy chairs. The satellite for TV was up in minutes, taking a bearing with a compass and/or lining up an appropriate mark (antique shop sign) meant, we pointed, turned on, and voila - all was ready in seconds. No hollering out the window, 'left a bit, right a bit!'
Italy was incredible, but then so was Switzerland… but Italy stole our hearts. We are back in Ypres, planning our next escapade, by boat this time.
Next: Meningate