Why I'll Never Inject my Horse in the Neck again.
Couple this power with a terrified dislike of jabs in the neck and there's going to be trouble.
My Neddy -boy
Ned hates needles. Rouge (a pony I had years ago) hated needles. They both behave the same way. Barging, flicking their neck, using all their power to break free. Never kicking or biting, but squishing, barging, and running.
Mr Blackmore (yes, Mister!) jumped on Rouge (not an easy ride), allowed him to jig-jog in circles, reached back and whacked the needle in his rump. Rouge swished his tail and lifted one leg a little higher, then carried on jig-jogging in a circle.
We were amazed.
He tenses.
The white of his eyes show.
He barges.
He is terrified and hard to keep hold of - Ned is powerful but would never intentionally hurt us.
Yes, I could strap up legs, twitch him and lock him in a hold and terrify him even further - but I choose not to for both our sakes.
I put the idea away until today. Yesterday the needle jumped out of Ned's neck as he fearfully swung his head until it could no longer hold. He was hurt, betrayed, and extremely unhappy. So was I.
Noel was shaken, he gave the jab and the kerfuffle and Ned's utter fear of Noel after the deed really upset him.
'Okay just hold his head in case he pig-routes,' I said to Noel.
I swung around, confidently plunged the needle in - Ned did the tiniest flinch - I took a breath, and slowly injected the liquid with no pain, worry, fear or look of betrayal. He didn't know it happened.
I walked him for a few more minutes - gave him a big pat, jumped off and he showed no fear or upset towards me in the slightest.
(BTW - the others take a jab the neck fine and I am happy to do it this way as they are happy.)
And you should know that Noel distracted Ned a little and gave him a carrot and Ned does relax when I am on-board - all these factors helped.
All of us - we no longer fear the needle!